He's gone...

- 3 mins read
CONTENT WARNING: This post talks candidly about the passing of my dad, and what I experienced on his last day. Seven months ago today, I lost my dad. He’d had emergency surgery the week before, and while the doctors were confident in the surgery, it turned out he didn’t have enough in the tank to fight and recover. He spent nine days in intensive care, unconscious and on a ventilator. The evening of day eight while I was visiting him the doctors gave me the news that the chances of a recover were almost non existent, and that it was time to consider turning off the machines keeping him alive.

Coming out...

- 3 mins read
So a few weeks ago I started coming out to people as queer, I’d always known what I was and had simply not made an issue of it, letting people make assumptions about who I am, and how I feel about certain things. At the time I was stressed and trying to cope with a lot of internalised pressures, and I honestly just needed a release something I’d been holding inside for a very long time, so I came out to my sister initially, and then to others whom I felt comfortable sharing this with.

When 2020 became a verb...

- 1 min read
This year started with intentions, hopefully good ones, of gettign back into the swing of things with blogging. Needless to saym this year had other ideas. This has been a year like no other, a global pandemic has changed us, possibly forever. It’s been such a roller coaster that now “2020” is a verb, or descriptive term, to refer to something that is a disaster.

Welcome to 2020...

- 4 mins read
2019, the year that was… So it’s now officially 2020 here, and this year wishing someone a “Happy New Year” seems somewhat hollow, I mean it’s kinda hard when a fair part of your country is quite literally on fire at the moment to think about having vast amounts of positivity for the new year, and reportedly, new decade. 2019 was a year where I had to focus more on my own health, and I’ve made some great gains.

And so this is Christmas...

- 2 mins read
As I write this it is December 24th, 2019, which makes it twelve months to the day since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Last Christmas due to the medication I was put on to manage my production of glucose I was actually not well on Christmas Day. This year, I’m on top of things, and in fact in November my doctor reduced my level of medication, as my diet and lifestyle changes had been having a big impact.